
This image is Akarna Dhanurasana, Archer Pose

Akarna Dhanurasana

Akarna Dhanurasana | Archer Pose Steps, Benefit, And Precaution Akarna Dhanurasana, the name is derived from the Sanskrit words “Akarna”, meaning ear, and “Dhanu”, meaning bow. This asana is often practiced to increase concentration, open the hips, and improve balance. This unique yoga pose combines elements of concentration, hip opening and balance, providing a holistic […]

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Image of Bhujapidasana, also known as the Shoulder-Pressing Pose or Arm-Pressure Pose.


Bhujapidasana | Shoulder-Pressing Pose Steps, Benefits, And Precautions Bhujapidasana, also known as the Shoulder-Pressing Pose or Arm-Pressure Pose, is an intermediate yoga asana that challenges the practitioner’s strength, balance, and flexibility. It is part of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga tradition and involves a combination of squatting, arm balancing, and core engagement. This asana targets the

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A Girl image Teaching Yoga Tolasana, Scale Pose, Lifted Lotus Steps.


Tolasana | Scale Pose | Lifted Lotus Steps, Benefits, And Precautions Tolasana, also known as Scale Pose or Lifted Lotus Pose, is an intermediate-level yoga asana that primarily targets the arms and core muscles. The name “Tolasana” comes from two Sanskrit words: “Tola,” meaning scale, and “Asana,” meaning pose. Tolasana is a challenging and beneficial

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Pasasana, Noose Pose, Rope Pose


Pasasana | Noose  Pose | Rope Pose Steps, Benefits, And Precautions Pasasana is a yoga posture that derives its name from the Sanskrit words “Pasa” meaning a tie, trap, noose, bond, or cord, and “Asana” meaning a seat, pose, or posture. The pose involves wrapping the arms around the squatting legs and clasping the hands

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Natarajasana | Dancer Pose | Lord Of the Dance Pose  Steps, Benefits, And Precautions Natarajasana, Dancer Pose or Lord of the Dance Pose: Natarajasana “(not-ah-raj-AHS-anna)”  In Sanskrit meaning is actor, dancer, mime is dance, Raja stands for king and the meaning of Asana is Pose or posture. Doing this yoga requires patience, focus, and perseverance.

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Utthita Trikonasana

Trikonasana | Utthita Trikonasana | Extended Triangle Pose Steps, Benefits, and Precautions. Trikonasana (Utthita trikonasana) is made up of two words. Trikon + Asana The name Trikonasana comes from the Sanskrit word trikona meaning triangle and asana meaning pose. Different schools of yoga have different views on what Trikonasana is and how it should be

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Ardha Chandrasana

Ardha Chandrasana

Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose): steps, benefits, and precautions Ardha Chandrasana gets its name from the Sanskrit word Ardha which means half, Chandra meaning Moon, and Asana meaning posture. Ardha Chandrasana, a staple posture used in the Hatha branch of yoga, brings balance and awareness to the body. Moon is a great symbol according to

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Bitilasana Cow Pose


Bitilasana (Cow Pose) Benefits, Steps, Precautions, Tips What is the meaning of Bitilasana? Bitilasana is known as Cow Pose in English. The word Bitila in Sanskrit means “cow” and Asana means posture, pose or pose. If you practice it, if you have practiced Marjari asana in the first step, then you can do it easily.

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Dolphin Plank Pose

Dolphin Plank Pose

Dolphin Plank Pose (Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana) Benefits, Steps, Precautions,Tips What does mean of Dolphin Plank Pose? Dolphin Plank Pose is English word in yoga. Sanskrit word is “Makara Adho Mukha Svanasana”, and Pronunciation is (MAH-kar-ah ah-doh moo-kuh SVAH-NAH-sah-nah). If we talk about its meaning is Makara: “Crocodile”,  Adho: “down”, Mukha: “facing”, Svana: “dog”, Asana: “posture”.

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Hanumanasana Yoga (Monkey Pose) Benefits, Steps, Precautions,Tips Hanumanasana (HAH-new-mahn-AHS-uh-nuh), the name comes from the Sanskrit word Hanuman which is related to Lord Hanuman in Hinduism and the posture (posture). This asana is reminiscent of the giant leap made by Hanuman in an ancient story to reach the Lankan islands from the mainland of India. Hanumanasana

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