Ustrasana (Camel Pose): Steps, benefits, and precautions

The Sanskrit word “Ustra” means camel, hence this asana is also known as “camel posture”. Here we demonstrate some Ustrasana steps on how to perform Ustrasana in a well-calculated approach to get useful Ustrasana benefits.

This asana helps in exhaling the muscles around the neck, chest and abdominal area and provides massage to the organs and chakras around the abdominal area.

If you also want to complete this asana, read on to know a step by step guide to do. This article gives you the right way of Ustrasana, the health benefits of Ustrasana and the precautions to be taken while practicing it

A Girl doing a Ustrasana. It is also called the Camel pose.

Ustrasana (Camel Pose): steps: The right way to do Camel Pose

To practice camel pose in the right way, follow the steps given below:

1)- Firstly, sit on the knees with heels pressed down in normal Vajrasana posture against the buttocks and calves of legs flat on the ground.
2)- The knees should be parallel to the shoulders and the soles of the feet should be towards the sky.
3)- After this inhale steadily and lift up the buttocks above the legs arching the back and putting pressure on abdomen muscles and bend the head in backward direction as much as possible.
4)- Maintain this posture for the time period of breathing or breathing.
5)- At last, exhale to get back to initial kneeling Vajrasana posture.

Benefits of Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

  • Increases digestive power.
  • It opens the chest and makes it firmer.
  • Strengthens the back and shoulders.
  • Relieves pain in the lower back.
  • It also improves spinal flexibility and posture.
  • Relieves menstrual discomfort.

Precautions to take before practising Camel Pose

  • Migraine, insomnia and high or low blood pressure patients should avoid practice of Camel Pose.
  • People suffering from back & neck injury, stiffness in knees and internal organ surgery should avoid practice of this asana.
  • Women in their pregnancy period should not practice this asana.

The asanas depicted here ought to be practiced under the direction of a yoga educator or under the Direction of yoga specialists as it were.

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