Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose): Steps, benefits, and precautions
Ardha Padmasana, “Ardha” means one part or half, “Padma” represents the Lotus and the asana means pose or posture.
Half Lotus Pose is a seated posture that opens the hips and extends the knees and ankles. This is a variation of the traditional seated meditation posture, the Lotus pose (Padmasana), which is more suitable for students with less flexibility in the lower body.
The first cross-legged position to try is a very basic Easy pose (Sukhasana). When you become very comfortable in this situation, you can start working on Half Lotus. When you are hot it is best to practice this mudra at the end of a yoga session.
If you also want to complete this asana, read on to know a step by step guide to do. This article gives you the right way of Ardha Padmasana, the health benefits of Ardha Padmasana and the precautions to be taken while practicing it.
Let us know the steps to practice Half Lotus Pose and its various benefits.
1)- Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose) steps: The right way to do Ardha Padmasana
2)- Benefits of Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)
3)- Precautions to take in Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)
Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose) steps: The right way to do Ardha Padmasana
To practice Half Lotus Pose in the right way, follow the steps given below:
1)- Firstly, take the position of Dandasana (Staff Pose) with straight legs in front of you and keep your spine erect.
2)- Adjust your right leg so that it is on your left thigh as much as possible. You can use your hands to encourage your feet into position. Ultimately, the idea is to arrange the top of the right leg into your left hip crease.
3)- Bend your left knee so that the left shin rests on the floor in a comfortable cross-leg position.
4)- Raise the crown of your head towards the ceiling and roll your shoulders away from your ears to keep the spine long. Your hands can rest on your thighs, palms up or down.
5)- Note that during the whole process, keep your face muscles relaxed and close your eyes or you can gaze at a particular point in front of you.
6)- Stay in the posture for about 1 minute for the time duration of your pranayama/meditation practice (during this, take a deep breath). Return to the staff pose and repeat with the other leg.
7)- Now, for discharging extend both your legs towards the ground and sit in the staff pose.
8)- Follow the same procedure with your other leg at the top.
9)- After performing the posture with both your legs, relax for 3 to 5 minutes in Savasana (Corpse Pose).
Benefits of Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)
Half Lotus Pose can make some astonish medical advantages, for example:
- This pose is considered very good for meditation and pranayama.
- It calms your mind and relaxes your body.
- Best for those who face difficulties (bend their leg) to perform Padmasana.
- Ardha Padmasana extends and strengthens your ankles, knees, and inner thighs.
- This helps you maintain flexibility in your gluteal muscles and the deep rotator muscles of your hips.
- Half lotus pose gives relief in sciatica and menstrual pain.
Precautions to take in Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)
Here are some precautions you should follow:
- If you have any recent injury to knees, ankles, or hips, avoid practicing this posture.
- If your hips, knees, or ankles are too tight or painful, your legs may be difficult to cross. Never force to pose.
- Always work within your own limits and abilities. If you have any medical concerns, talk to your doctor before practicing yoga.
Note: If you want to improve your Lotus pose, practice Ardha Padmasana regularly for flexibility.
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